The choir is coming back to the forefront of Gospel Music. Haven't you noticed? What comes around goes around. This latest push is due largely to the Kanye "Sunday Service" movement. If you haven't seen his services, please go an watch it. It's nothing but a mass choir concert with a few inspirational messages here and there. Just to be clear, the choir never left us. It just wasn't the focus of attention in many of our churches due to the Praise and Worship/CCM movement in the Black Church. That movement was necessary for us to see the huge value in choirs. Choirs involve more people. Choirs are a unifying entity within the church and community. Choirs teach people how to relate to one another. Choirs bring more energy to the music being sung.
Have you noticed that whenever a secular artist wants to do something involving Gospel that they go and hire or form a choir and not a praise team. We are in a good time. Things are starting to turn around again and the choir will begin to make a huge difference as it did in the past. Let's encourage our spiritual leaders, who put their choirs down, to pick them back up again. They will be glad they did.