Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Our Herbal Journey- (This is not medical advice)

Over 10 years ago my wife and I made a decision to use herbs and alternative medicines as our main course of action to treat ourselves and our children. While this road is a complete re-education of EVERYTHING, it has been a wonderful journey. I even considered going back to school to learn more about the human body. I can truly say that God has been with us in this journey. We go to doctors like everyone else but we choose to use herbal remedies before we take conventional medicines. I have many stories of healing and wellness to share regarding herbs.
When my mother became ill, I knew that the doctors were going to one day say the magic words "There is nothing more we can do for her." Those words were comforting to me because I knew those medicines were not working and now I could go full throttle with alternative care. She is doing well. She has ups and downs but I truly believe God has blessed her and the herbs help to sustain her through this difficult stage of Alzheimer's. My father has since become a believer as well and has adopted some herbal practices.
Herbs do not cure anything but they do support the body in it's natural healing and functioning process in some powerful ways. Herbs are not just used as medicine but also for daily living. Herbs are also used in conventional medicines as well. There is strong biblical precedent for using herbs. Herbs have been used for 1000's of years to support and aid humanity. If you wish to learn more about herbs, you will embark on a never ending fun journey of knowledge.